Veronika Šramatyová
born 1977 in Zvolen, Czechoslovakia
lives and works in Reca, Slovakia
2005-2010: Postgraduate study (degree ArtD.), Studio ± XXI, prof. Daniel Fischer, AFAD in Bratislava, Slovakia
1996-2003: Department of Painting and Other Media, prof. Daniel Fischer, AFAD in Bratislava, Slovakia
2001-2002: Department of Painting and Other Media, Ilona Németh, AFAD in Bratislava, Slovakia
1992-1996: Secondary School of Applied Arts,Department of Restoration, Kremnica, Slovakia
educational exchange
2001: Studio of Sculpture and Free Creation, prof. Jan Berdyszak, AFAD in Poznan, Poland
2011: PAINTING 2011, VUB Foundation, participation in final
2011: STRABAG AWARD 2011, participation in semifinal
2007: ESSL AWARD 2007, 2nd prize
1994, 1995, 1996: Literary Zvolen, Poetry
represented in the collections
Collection of, PROGR, Bern, CH
Collection of Banská St a nica Contemporary, Banská Štiavnica, SK
Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, SK
Central Slovakian Gallery, Banská Bystrica, SK
Nitra Gallery, Nitra, SK
Museum of Contemporary Arts, Novi Sad, SR
Private collection, Paris, FR
Private collection, Tucson, USA
Private collection, San Francisco, USA
Private collection, New York, USA
Private collection, Kirkland, USA
Private collections, Slovakia (SK)
workshops and art residencies
2021: Literary residency (Litcentrum), Cultural Center Eleuzína, Banská Štiavnica, SK
2016: Periférne centrá Dúbravica, Project Jednota No.3, SK
2014: DIY Residency, New York, USA
2014: REGULAR LINE Topolcany – Santa Cruz, California, USA
2013: Export Residency Banská St a nica in PROGR, Bern, SK and CH
2007: Painting, workshop in Mojmírovce, SK
2004: RE:LOCATION ACADEMY / SHAKE SOCIETY, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, LU
2002: TRANZart disLOCATED, Cluj, RO
authorial books and catalogues
2019: Rodinné konštelácie, 2 nd book of poetry. Publishing drewo a srd, SK
2015: 2nd book of poetry in edition
2014: Veronika Sramaty, THE TOP TEN, Catalogue, SK
2010: Veronika Šramatyová Catalogue, SK
2009: Untitled (Bez názvu), Poetry. Publishing: Ars Poetica, SK
2003: COME AND PLAY! Catalogue, SK
other activities
2019: Ars Poetica, International festival of Poetry, Bratislava, SK
2014: Workshort Residency, project Architectrural, Workshot o.z. Reca, SK
2011: Literary Festival, Trnava, SK
2009: Presentation of authorial Poetry book "untitled", Ex Libris, Bratislava, SK
2009: PECHAKUCHA NIGHT 6, Bratislava, SK
2009: Ars Poetica, International festival of Poetry, Bratislava, SK
since 2005: collecting art collection by the project Barter Collection
since 2008: organizing Workshort Residency in Reca, Slovakia
teaching experience
2022 – 2023: Department of Conservation and Restoration, Lecturer of Painting, AFAD, Bratislava, Sk
2020: Department of Art Education, Lecturer of Painting, Trnava University, Trnava, Sk
2005-2008: Studio ± XXI, prof. Daniel Fischer (2005-2008); Lecturer of Painting basics (2008), AFAD, Bratislava, Sk
2015-2017: Lecturer of Painting, Studio of Painting – first class, AFAD, Bratislava, Sk
selected bibliography
Col.: Malba SK (Slovak Painting), Slovart, Bratislava, 2022, ISBN: 9788055656946
Janecová T., Nádaskay V.: recenzia – Mikšík M.: Všetko je v naratíve, Kritická rocenka 2021,
LIC, 2022, p. 41 -44. ISBN 978-80-8119-146-6
Mikšík M.: Všetko je v naratíve (ŠRAMATYOVÁ, Veronika. Rodinné konštelácie),
Glosolália 1/2021, p. 239. ISSN 1338-7146
Jurinová M.: Farby ženy, Forbes 7/2020, s.124. ISSN 1338-2527
Ars Poetica 2019, Antológia, Bratislava, 2019. Poetry, p. 402-407. ISBN 978-80-89963-13-3.
EAN 9788089963133Šramatyová V.: Rodinné konštelácie, book of poetry, 72pages, publish. drewo asrd, Bratislava, 2019. ISBN 978-80-89550-54-8
Šramatyová V.: Glosolália 3 / 2019, rocník 8. Poetry, p. 65-71. ISSN 1338-7146
Vlna, c.79, rocník XXI. Šulej P.: Interview with Veronika Šramatyová, p. 114-119. ISSN 1335-5341
Ihringová K.: Ilúzia (Obraz ako metafora ludskej mysle), Veda SAV, Bratislava, 2019,p. 34-36. ISBN 978-80-224-1731-0
Periférne centrá Dúbravica a kol.: Projekt Jednota, catalogue, 2016, Dúbravica, Banská Bystrica
Jurinová M.: Rebrícek sem, rebrícek tam! Forbes 6/2015, p. 110-111. ISSN 1338-2527
Šramatyová V.: THE TOP TEN, catalogue, 2015, 44 pages. ISBN 978-80-971886-0-3
Majdáková D. and Col.: Fifty Contemporary Artists in Slovakia. Art Academy/Slovart, Bratislava, 2014, p. 182. ISBN 978-80-556-0970-6
Fišr M., Mílek V., Gregorová – Stachová L.: 7th New Zlin Salon. Exhibition of contemporary Czech and Slovak art. Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, Zlín, 2014, ISBN 978-80-87926-06-2
Col.: Please Come In! Exhibition catalogue, Turiec Gallery, Martin, 2013, ISBN 978-80-88686-70-5
Slaninová K.: Painting Per Se Does Not Satisfy Me. Interview with Veronika Šramatyová. In.: Profil Contemporary Art Magazine 4/2013, Bratislava, p. 96 – 127. ISSN 1335-9770
Col.: ArtD. No1, Painting. Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava, 2012, ISBN 978-80-89259-69-4
Hanáková P.: Delete. Arts and Deleting, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, 2012, ISBN 978-80-8059-164-9
Col.: Zero Years – From Priestor Gallery to Beskid. Bratislava, 2011, ISBN 978-80-88730-77-4
Painting 2011. VÚB Foundation for Painting for Young Artists, Bratislava, 2011
Majlingová Z., Šramatyová V.: Veronika Šramatyová (catalogue). Central Slovakian Gallery, Banská Bystrica, 2010, ISBN 978-80-88681-64-9
Painting after Painting. Catalogue of the Exhibition of Slovak Contemporary Painting, Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, 2010, ISBN 978-80-8059-155-7
Geržová B. and Col.: Traps of Visual Illusion. Contemporary Forms of Trompe L´Oeil. Nitra Gallery, 2009, ISBN 978-80-85746-46-4
Rp./Lirikon21 (Lirikonfest XXI). Anthology, 2010, p. 289 – 296. ISSN 1855-0207
Geržová J.: Painting in the Age of Picture. In.: Profil Contemporary Art Magazine 1 – 2/09, Bratislava, p. 97, 101, 103. ISSN 1335-9770
Slaninová K.: ATELIÉR ±XXI, Space for Creative Experiment. In.: Profil Contemporary Art Magazine 1 – 2/09, Bratislava, p. 68, 69, 74. ISSN 1335-9770
Col.: Plus Minus XXI. Bratislva, 2009, p. 19, 50, 51.
POBOCZA Kwartalnik literacko artystyczny, NR 3-4 (37–38) 2009, p. 127 – 130. ISSN 1505-1676
Ars Poetica 2009. An Anthology, p. 305 – 314. ISBN 978-80-89283-23-1
Šramatyová V.: Untitled. Author’s Poetry Book, 66 pages, Ars Poetica, Bratislava, 2009, ISBN 978-80-89283-21-7
Slaninová K.: Workshort Residency. In.: Flash Art – The World´s Leading art magazine, Czech & Slovak Edition Vol 3, no. 13, June – September 2009, p. 9. ISSN 1336-9644
Geržová J.: Conceptual Aspects of Contemporary Painting. In.: Hellwig – Schmid R.: 2009 Slovakia, Donumenta – International Festival for Art and Culture in Regensburg, September 20th to November 08th, Donumenta Regensburg, 2009, p. 37-39. and 116-119. ISBN 978-3-9809125-6-3
Bajcurová K., Hrabušický A., Müllerová P.: The Slovak Picture (Anti-Picture). 20th Century in Slovak Visual Art. Slovak National Gallery, 2008, ISBN 978-80-8059-136-6
Keratová M. and Col.: Close Encounters in Soho. Kultur AXE, Vienna, 2008, p. 53, 67.
Col.: Contact – Contemporary Norwegian and Slovak Art. Bratislava, 2008, p. 104 – 107. ISBN 978-80-88906-20-9
Mirza O.: K.O.MIX. Nitra Gallery, Nitra, 2007, p. 32 – 34. ISBN 978-80-85746-35-8
Geržová J., Adamíková A.: Istroart 2007. 7th International Meeting of Academies of Fine Arts. Academy of Fine Art and Design, Bratislava, 2007, p. 46 – 47. ISBN 978-80-89259-13-7
Köpf S., Zein S. (ed.): Essl Art Award Cee 2007 For Central and Southeast Europe. Sammlung Essl Privatstiftung, Klosterneuburg – Wien, p. 46 – 53. ISBN-978-3-902001-39-9
Šramatyová V.: Come and Win! Hit Gallery, Bratislava 2006, p. 7, 8.
Kontova H., Politi G.: Praguebiennale2. Expanded Painting/Acción Directa. Giancarlo Politi Editore, Prague, 2005, pages 433, ISBN 88-7816-134-9
White Greetings For Belarus. ACEC, Bratislava, 2005, p. 54. ISBN 80-89117-03-1
Lunghi E. and Col.: Re: Location 1 – 7 Shake (2 volumes). Casino Luxembourg, 2004, 1st volume: p.103, 2nd volume: p. 111 and 123. ISBN 2-919893-49-1
Paolo Bianchi a Thomas Wulffen, Re: Lolaction Shake. Kunstforum, Bd. 173 Nov. – Dez. 2004, p. 288, 289.
Šramatyová V.: Come and Win! Catalogue, Self-Publish, Slovak Republic, 2003.
Keratová M.: Veronika Šramatyová. In.: Umìlec 3/03, New Faces. Divus, Prague, p. 76. ISSN 1212-9550
Hanáková P., Kusá A.: Nybüvitt – Furniture in Conteporary Art. Jan Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, 2002, p. 13. ISBN 80-8059-078-8
Valová M.: Istroart Copy – Paste. In.: Profil Contemporary Magazine 3 – 4/2007, p. 133 – 134. ISSN 1335-9770
Keratová M.: Galleryview, Come and Win! In.: Profil Contemporary Magazine 4/2003, p. 76 – 79. ISSN 1335-9770
Jankovièová S.: A Survey At the Academy of Fine Arts. In.: Profil Contemporary Magazine 4/2000, p. 93.
Šramatyová V.: Cover Illustration. In.: Vlna. Vlna n.g.o., Bratislava 2008, Cover
Šramatyová V.: Comic By Night. In.: Vlna 27, Vlna n.g.o., Bratislava 2003, p. 90.
Šramatyová V.: Documenta/Manifesta. In.: Vlna 12, Vlna n.g.o., Bratislava 2003
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